Our brand, Turag Clothing, has a compelling story that sets us apart from others in the industry. We are not just a clothing brand; we are a brand with a purpose. Founded by Mohammad Hossain, who hails from Turag Island in Bangladesh, our brand is deeply rooted in the values of integrity and ethical sourcing.

We are passionate about giving back to the community that shaped us. Turag Island, located just 100 yards away from mainland Dhaka, is an area with limited opportunities and struggling neighborhoods. By establishing Turag Clothing, we aim to create employment opportunities for the local people, enabling them to earn a living by producing clothes for Muslims and people around the world.

Our main objective is not solely focused on financial success. We believe in contributing to the welfare of communities, both locally and internationally. We strive for growth that is shared by everyone involved. Through our brand, we want to make a positive impact on the lives of people in Turag Island and other communities.

Our brand's originality lies in the unique story behind it. Turag Island, separated by the Turag River, faces challenges such as limited access to healthcare and transportation. For many residents, boats are the only means of transportation to reach their workplaces. By supporting and representing Turag clothing, you become a part of our journey to help the islanders and local communities in the UK.

We firmly believe that every brand has a story, and every story represents a brand. When you wear Turag Clothing, you are not just wearing a brand, but also carrying a story. Join us on this meaningful journey as we strive to make a difference.

You can purchase our products online at with full confidence in our commitment to quality and our mission to create positive change.